Babe Ruth gets strikeout

Yesterday’s baseball game was a great game. The first and new girl Pitcher for the lookouts strikes out Babe Ruth. Babe comes to the plate ready to swing, and Jackie is ready to pitch. She released the first ball. “strike one” yells the empire. The crowd goes wild. The second pitch is up and they are both ready and shaking. Mitchell released the ball, then “Strike two” yells the empire. The third pitch is up, the fast ball is released. “strike three, your’re out” yells the empire. The crowd erupted and Babe swings his bat in anger, then walks off the field in a snit.

2014/2015 writing

2014 was a great year for me. I was looking forward to 2015 all last year. A new year means a new beginning and a new resolution. This year i did not accomplish my last years resolution, but i hope i will this year. The on thing that i will remember about 2014 is when my uncle kenneth died. His lungs stopped working and he was hooked up to a breathing machine. He had to sit in a wheelchair and be took everywhere by someone else. The one thing that i am looking forward to this year is trying out for our schools football team. I often play outside with the boys. This is my years resolution and if I do not meet it, I will try next year.I am looking to all the amazing stuff that this year will bring.

The Johnny-Jump-Up

The Johnny-Jump-Up grows in all areas of Texas. The height of the flower is seven to ten inches tall. Germination means turning a seed into a plant, and the germination of the Johnny-Jump-Up is fourteen to twenty-one  days. The blooming period is March through August, and the blooming places are everywhere in Texas. The vibrant colors are dark purple and yellow.

The suggested uses are around the base of trees, flower beds, containers, and borders. Keeping the faded blossoms picked will prolong the blooming period. The flower is a compact annual or short lived perennial, It is very winter hardy and eager to self-sow in the shade of summer plants. The scientific name of the Johnny-Jump-Up is the Viola Cornuta, and the classification name is the violaceae.

Information from Texas Aggie Horticulture.


Happy Mother’s Day

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The best advice my Mom gave me is to never talk to strangers. If you introduce yourself and you do not know that person they can track you done. I have heard that everyday people are kidnapped from someone they did not know ,but introduced themself to. The funniest moment that I had with my Mom is we were shopping and she saw one of my friends and she said “HEY, ARE YOU FROM SPRING HILL. LYNZI KNOWS YOU.” When we got in the car after that I said “ARE YOU CRAZY MOM.SHE’S FROM KILGORE NOT SPRING HILL.”She was so embarassed. My Mom taught me that I can not have everything that I want. I am so spoiled sometimes and I do not mean too.